For someone who never read comic books growing up, Warner Bros. Television’s Kelly Goode ’83, P’22 has gone deep into the superhero canon. Read how Harvard played a role in bringing her into the DC Multiverse.
Tune in as Tim Calkins MBA ’91 explains how to create a powerful business presentation using five best practices that will help you turn big data into a compelling story.
Tune in as Gabrielle Santa-Donato EdM '12 explores how you can leverage your curiosity and the lived experiences of others to help sneak up on your future. She will specifically talk about the power of informational and inspirational interviewing and networking.
For Caitlin Murray O’Connor '92, her days sailing on the Charles were some of her favorite at Harvard. In gratitude, O’Connor and her husband, Paul O'Connor '89, have planned a bequest to Harvard College.