Meet the 2025 Chief Marshal of Alumni

Dara Olmsted Silverstein AB ’00 was elected by her classmates to serve as chief marshal at this spring’s Harvard Alumni Day celebration.

Imam Khalil Abdur-Rashid and Rabbi Getzel Davis

Practicing What They Preach

Harvard chaplains Rabbi Getzel Davis and Imam Khalil Abdur-Rashid are partnering to heal divisions on campus and help bring their communities back together.

John Harvard covered in snow

Ballot Finalized for Overseer and HAA Director Elections

Starting April 1, eligible Harvard alumni can vote online or by paper ballot for five expected vacancies on the Board of Overseers and six available positions among the HAA Elected Directors.


Veritas written on gate in Harvard Yard

Harvard Looks Forward

Explore how the University is advancing knowledge in service to society, strengthening the Harvard community, and fostering open dialogue.