Activities Chairs and Class Committees

Activities chairs are College alumni volunteers who support their Class Committees in non-reunion years. They bring classmates and alumni from surrounding classes together, serving as key players in keeping College alumni connected.

For additional information on the responsibilities of activities chairs, you can read the activities chairs role description and onboarding document.

If you are interested in volunteering as an activities chair to support your Class Committee in the period from July 2024 through June 2025, please fill out this form. Following that, a member of the College Alumni Programs team or your Class Committee will follow up with you with more detailed guidance on next steps.

Career Network

Log into your Alumni Community profile to update your occupation information and join our Career Network to make yourself available to students and fellow alumni looking for career advice and mentoring.

Clubs and Shared Interest Groups

Harvard Clubs and Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) are volunteer-led organizations that offer a wide range of programmatic, community service, and educational opportunities to help develop and strengthen your alumni network. Reach out to your local Club or preferred SIG to learn how you can be involved.

Crimson Connect

Volunteering can be as simple as connecting with classmates or fellow Harvard alumni online through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Become a Crimson Connector by joining Harvard’s alumni social media ambassador program, Crimson Connect.

By connecting and contributing meaningful content or promoting digital opportunities to others, you are serving as an advocate for the College. You’ll share campus news, faculty research, alumni accomplishments, and encourage others to leaf through Harvard Magazine, pass along a Harvard Gazette article, or circulate photos from campus activities and ongoing Harvard traditions through the social channels of your choice.

Plus, the more you share, the more points you accumulate. At the end of each month, three users will win Harvard-themed prizes for their participation. Sign up today!

Harvard College Fund

Volunteering with the Harvard College Fund provides one of the most meaningful and influential opportunities for individuals to stay connected to the College and University.

This dedicated volunteer corps of more than 1,500 College alumni spans more than 60 class years, and College parents and Graduate School alumni join us in our efforts to raise funds for a range of endeavors across Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which includes Harvard College, the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Learn more about becoming a volunteer and contact your class officer to get involved.

Recent Graduate Leadership Committee

The Recent Graduate Leadership Committee is an enthusiastic cohort of alumni one to nine years out committed to building a more engaged, inclusive, and supportive recent graduate community around the globe. Members serve as visible leaders and advocates for recent graduates within the broader Harvard College Fund community. They set an example for giving and service, informing programmatic strategies, and celebrating loyalty and leadership among fellow recent graduates. These volunteers transform a solicitation from Harvard the institution into an invitation from a friend. 
If you are interested in learning more about the committee, please reach out to our Harvard College Fund partner in Cambridge, Claire Mumford.

Program and Event Participation

There are thousands of events and programs worldwide available to alumni each month and hundreds of global Harvard communities based in shared graduating classes, geographies, identities, avocations, and career pursuits. 

Check out the programs and events calendar to search and filter events offered by the HAA, local Clubs, and SIGs. The listings include marquee events such as Global Networking NightWelcome to Your City, and those surrounding The Game, as well as programming spanning the artsfaculty talksonline programsvolunteer opportunities, and more. The Gazette events calendar also lists dozens of daily virtual events.


Each year, Harvard College Reunions bring more than 11,000 alumni back to campus to enjoy a range of intellectual and social programming. Volunteering with your reunion program committee can be one of the most memorable and meaningful experiences as an alumnus/a.

Join your reunion program committee or class gift committee to connect with your classmates and support our most popular alumni event. Attending your own Reunion and encouraging others to do so is also a vital way to ensure that your Class stays connected over the years.

Reunion Program Committee

Help lead your class reunion effort as a member of the reunion program committee, a group of volunteers who plan reunion events and encourage broad reunion attendance and excitement. To learn more about reunion programs, contact the College Alumni Programs team at or 617-496-7001.

Reunion Campaigns

Help lead your reunion fundraising effort, then celebrate with your classmates at your spring or fall Reunion on campus. Learn more about reunion campaigns and contact your class officer to get involved.

Student Engagement

Each year, hundreds of College alumni volunteer their time and expertise to advise and mentor current students. Recurring opportunities are listed below, and invitations for singular opportunities are regularly emailed. Have a question or idea for this type of programming? Contact College Alumni Programs at or 617-496-7001.

Admissions Interviewing

Help us recruit prospective students, interview Harvard College applicants, and welcome accepted students by volunteering for our Schools & Scholarships Committee, the alumni interviewing program! Interviewing is an important part of the application process and helps bring the applicant to life. Depending on their bandwidth, each alumni interviewer meets with a handful of prospective students between September and March. Take a look at this video featuring interviewers talking about why they interview to learn more. To express interest in interviewing please fill out this information form.

To be eligible to participate as an interviewer, you must be a degree-holding alumnus/a from Harvard College or one of Harvard’s graduate schools. Should you have any questions about your alumni status or eligibility as an interviewer, please contact the Admissions Alumni Interviewing Team at

Career Connections

In addition to participating in the Career Network in the Alumni Community, alumni can offer current students the benefit of their wisdom, experience, and networks through the Mignone Center for Career Success. Alumni can post jobs and internships for free on Crimson Careers or mentor students through Firsthand Advisers. Visit the MCS website for more information. 

First-Year Host Family Program

The Harvard College First-Year Host Family Program facilitates informal friendships between first-year Harvard College students and local contacts, including Harvard alumni. Students selected for the program are typically international students who lack meaningful contacts in the United States, or domestic students who might benefit from additional support for a variety of reasons. By providing a local support system to these students, the program hopes to ease their transition to college life.

Potential hosts and interested students are asked to provide information regarding their hobbies, academic interests, and desired level of involvement in the program. These responses are used to match each student with a compatible host (individual or family).

Please note that hosts are not expected to provide housing for students at any point during the year, including over vacations. Those who are interested in doing so, however, may.

Public Interested Conference

Public Interested is a collaborative one-day conference that helps students explore varied public interest careers and network with alumni in those fields. Alumni and students will hear from inspiring speakers, interact with fellow Crimsons, participate in engaging activities, and meet peers who share a passion for public service.

House Programs

The HAA partners with undergraduate Houses to provide opportunities for students and alumni of the Houses to connect for advice and mentorship, primarily around careers. Invitations to participate in these programs are extended directly to local alumni via email.

Stay Connected

Stay in the know by actively managing your email preferences to make sure you’re receiving the Harvard Alumni Gazette, College Alumni newsletter, and your local Harvard events listing, and other communications from the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). We also encourage you to sign up for the Daily Gazette to start each weekday with a quick serving of Harvard news.

Harvard Magazine and the Harvard Gazette are great places to find Harvard stories. Want to share those stories? Find and follow Harvard on social media!