Regardless if you live in Massachusetts or across the globe, you can stay involved with Harvard in many ways. Looking to continue your Harvard experience? As a Harvard graduate, you can:
- Reunite with classmates and meet someone new through HAA programs
- Find an alumni community in your area
- Engage in lifelong learning
- Travel the world with Harvard faculty
- Vote in the annual election for the Overseers of the University and Directors of the HAA
- Volunteer for the HAA or participate in public service activities
- Engage with current students through networking and mentorship opportunities
- Stay informed on all things Harvard
- And more!
The HAA helps alumni connect with the University and with fellow graduates through a wealth of Harvard Clubs, Shared Interest Groups, continuing education programs, online services, and worldwide alumni events. No matter how you wish to connect, the HAA is here for you.
Members of the HAA include recipients of all degrees granted by the University and Radcliffe College, as well as the members of all University faculties. Others whose names appear on the alumni records of the University, but who have not received degrees, are associate members and program participants. They may attend meetings and take part in any activities of the HAA but may not vote for Overseers of the University or directors of the HAA.