Harvard College Class Reports

The Class Report Office publishes fourteen Reports annually for each Harvard and Radcliffe quinquennial reunion class. Informally known as the “Red Books,” Class Reports are a long-standing Harvard tradition, dating back at least to the mid-1800s. They serve as historical chronicles of classes and encourage alumni to maintain connections with each other and the College through the sharing of current contact information, family and professional news, and in-depth life stories. Content is gathered for the Reports by means of a questionnaire provided to all class members and is ushered into print in advance of Reunion by a team of five professional editors.

Read About Class Reports in Harvard Magazine

Class Report Deadline Editor
Harvard Class of 2020
5th Anniversary Report
October 15, 2024 Jerrika Waller
Harvard Class of 2015
10th Anniversary Report
November 12, 2024 Nicholas Goudsmit
Harvard Class of 2010
15th Anniversary Report
November 12, 2024 Jason Hale
Harvard Class of 2005
20th Anniversary Report
October 28, 2024 Jason Hale
Harvard Class of 2000
25th Anniversary Report
October 8, 2024 Jason Hale
Harvard and Radcliffe Class of 1995
30th Anniversary Report
November 12, 2024 Jackie Delaney
Harvard and Radcliffe Class of 1990
35th Anniversary Report
October 8, 2024 Jack Cashman
Harvard and Radcliffe Class of 1985
40th Anniversary Report
October 8, 2024 Nicholas Goudsmit
Harvard and Radcliffe Class of 1980
45th Anniversary Report 
October 8, 2024 Jerrika Waller
Harvard and Radcliffe Class of 1975
50th Anniversary Report
October 8, 2024 Jackie Delaney
Harvard and Radcliffe Class of 1970
55th Anniversary Report
November 12, 2024 Jack Cashman
Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1965
60th Anniversary Report
October 15, 2024 Nicholas Goudsmit
Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1960
65th Anniversary Report (Harvard | Radcliffe)
October 15, 2024 Diane MacDonald
Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1955
70th Anniversary Report (Harvard | Radcliffe)
November 12, 2024 Jerrika Waller

Class Report FAQ

Inquiring minds want to know! Read these thirteen frequently asked questions about the Class Reports and submitting entries online.

Red Books FAQ (PDF)