Musician and composer Wynton Marsalis MusD ’09 visited Harvard Kennedy School to help launch the Culture and Civil Society Initiative, which focuses on the impact of culture and art on democracy and society.
Harvard College senior Shira Hoffer '25 founded a nonprofit that offers resources to help educational institutions foster civil discourse and constructive disagreement.
Harvard chaplains Rabbi Getzel Davis and Imam Khalil Abdur-Rashid are partnering to heal divisions on campus and help bring their communities back together.
Food sustainability expert Dara Olmsted Silverstein AB ’00 will be chief marshal of alumni at this spring’s Harvard Alumni Day celebration, the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) has announced.
In a message to the Harvard community, President Alan Garber warns that NIH funding cuts will slow the discovery of new treatments, limit training opportunities for future scientists, and weaken America's standing as a leader in science.
From views on religion and gender to the right way to research noodles, Harvard students describe a time their minds were changed through learning and conversation.