Jonathan and DariaWhy do Jonathan Bruno JD ’13, PhD ’17 and Daria Van Tyne PhD ’13 support the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)? Gratitude. She researches antibiotic-resistant bacteria. He studies secrecy and transparency in democratic societies. If it hadn’t been for the Dudley House Chorus, the couple may never have met and married.

GSAS was also where they launched their careers. “We discovered what we were passionate about here,” says Daria, who recalls her field work on malaria parasites in Senegal. For Jonathan, it was the interactions he had with his colleagues in the government department that helped him develop as a political theorist.

“What do I remember most about GSAS? The friendships and the sheer joy of intellectual discovery,” says Jonathan. 

Now resident tutors in Lowell House, they make a point to give annually to the Graduate School Fund. “It’s our way of showing what Harvard means to us,” says Jonathan. “We want to support it in whatever modest way we can."

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This story first appeared in Colloquy, the alumni magazine for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

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