Harvard alumni and friends gathered at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia on December 2 to explore family, finance, and philanthropy in an interactive session.
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The Harvard University Planned Giving event "Family, Finance, and Philanthropy" was a lively evening with a reception followed by presentations and discussion during dinner. Event host Maureen Finn Austin AB '83, MBA '92 opened the evening with insightful remarks and a warm welcome. Anne McClintock, executive director of Harvard University Planned Giving, gave an update on fundraising and examples of exciting new student and faculty initiatives. She then gave an overview of financial and philanthropic planning strategies, including helpful remarks by event host Martin A. Heckscher AB '56, LLB '59. Alasdair Halliday AB '82, philanthropic advisor and director of principal gifts, and guest Jeff Steinberg AB '91 encouraged the crowd to consider what it means to talk about money and their families' financial futures. Jennifer Pline, managing director of Trusts and Gifts, Harvard Management Company (HMC), discussed HMC's innovative approach and world-class management of the Harvard endowment. Martin Heckscher capped the evening with some thoughtful closing remarks.
A sincere thank you to the event hosts!
- Maureen Finn Austin AB '83, MBA '92 and Albert A. Austin Jr. MBA '77
- Martin A. Heckscher AB '56, LLB '59 and Cynthia P. Heckscher
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To learn more about planned gifts, contact the University Planned Giving team.