What do you do when you need to hold office hours for the most popular and innovative computer science course in Harvard’s history?
If you are David Malan and the course is CS50, you look to Widener Library. Centrally located in Tercentenary Theater and flexible enough to accommodate CS50’s unique student body, Widener Library’s Loker Reading Room provides the perfect location for dozens of course instructors and hundreds of students to meet for office hours. Thanks to unrestricted funding, Widener was able to open its doors to CS50 in fall 2015, and the program has continued since.
- 155: Peak number of CS50 office hour attendees
- 90: Average number of CS50 office hour attendees
- 671: Number of students enrolled in CS50
Widener Library also serves as an extension of the classroom for Humanities 10, a new yearlong writing-intensive course that covers an ambitious 2,500-year span of literary history and enrolls 90 undergraduates, who meet for office hours in the Stacks Reading Room. Your unrestricted support keeps Widener Library open after hours for the College’s most pedagogically advanced courses, so that students can ask questions and work on projects alongside their teachers and classmates.
In addition to opening Widener Library for office hours, unrestricted funding also:
- Digitizes and preserves one-of-a-kind materials in the largest academic library collection in the world
- Makes electronic resources available online for affiliates across the University and for Harvard alumni at library.harvard.edu/alumni-resources
Photos by CS50/Winnie Wu (top) and CS50/James Curtain (bottom).
Make an unrestricted gift to the Harvard College Fund today.