Event Schedule
Entry Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Alumni Life Information
Commencement Week Schedule for Students and Families/Guests
Following the end of final exams, graduating seniors will participate in two weeks of events. The first week is Senior Week (May 19–24), full of social and reflective programming just for seniors. The 2025 Class Committee is planning the programming and will share more with seniors later in the spring semester. The second week is Commencement Week, which will feature various graduation events for seniors, their family, and guests. Commencement Week events for graduating students and families begin on Tuesday, May 27, and run through Commencement Day, Thursday, May 29. Family and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend all three days, with Thursday being the most important. Please note that graduating students can only participate in Senior Week and Commencement Week one time, and together in the same year.
Tuesday, May 27
11:00 AM–12:30 PM
Phi Beta Kappa Literary Exercises
Sanders Theatre, Memorial Hall (Open to the public; tickets not required). A traditional part of Harvard Commencement since the 18th century, the Literary Exercises celebrate the humane learning and passion for intellectual exchange that are the ideal and hallmark of the chapter. PBK seniors should wear their regalia.
1:15–2:00 PM
Baccalaureate Procession
Old Yard, Harvard Yard (graduating seniors march in the procession; guests welcome to observe). Tickets not required. The Class of 2025 will process around the Old Yard into Tercentenary Theatre for the Baccalaureate Service. Graduating seniors should wear their regalia.
Seniors should arrive by 1:15. The procession will begin at the corner of Holworthy and Thayer, and the line will extend back along Holworthy, Stoughton, Hollis, and Matthews. Once the procession begins, the class will pass in front of Thayer and University Hall, then enter Tercentenary Theatre between University Hall and Weld. From there, the line will process to Widener Library steps, and then down the aisles of the seating in Tercentenary Theatre before moving to the seats at the front of the Theatre closest to Memorial Church.
2:00–3:30 PM
Baccalaureate Service
Tercentenary Theatre, Harvard Yard. Tickets not required. President Garber will share remarks with the Class of 2025 and students will share sacred readings from their religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions. Graduating seniors should wear their regalia. Seniors will sit in assigned sections closer to the stage following the procession; guests are welcome to sit in the remaining sections separate from the students.
3:30–4:00 PM
Class of 2025 Photograph
Widener Library Steps. Tickets not required. Rain date: Wednesday, May 28, immediately following the Class Day Exercises. Graduating seniors should wear their regalia. Photos can be ordered at the Panfoto website (link forthcoming).
4:00–5:30 PM
Class of 2025 Family Social
NEW location: Old Yard, Harvard Yard. Light bites and non-alcoholic beverages for graduating seniors and their families and guests. Tickets required. Graduating seniors are allotted three free tickets and will require one of these tickets for themselves. Additional tickets will be available for free. Tickets are obtained by seniors at Senior Desk (see below).
8:00–10:00 PM
Harvard University Band and Harvard Choruses Concert
Tercentenary Theatre, Harvard Yard. Tickets not required. Featuring student performers, this annual concert is open to all members of the Harvard community.
Wednesday, May 28
11:00 AM–12:30 PM
ROTC Commissioning Ceremony
Sanders Theatre, Memorial Hall. Tickets not required. This ceremony celebrates the commissioning of the new military officers from the Harvard ROTC contingent. The program will also be streamed online at harvard.edu/live.
Noon–2:00 PM
Class Day Picnic
Old Yard, Harvard Yard. Enjoy a casual bagged lunch before the start of the Class Day Exercises. Tickets required. Graduating seniors are allotted three free tickets and will require one of these tickets for themselves. Additional tickets can be purchased for a to be announced price. Tickets are obtained by seniors at Senior Desk (see below).
Guests should be prepared to give their tickets to the staff in exchange for a bagged lunch.
2:00–4:00 PM
Class Day Exercises
Tercentenary Theatre, Harvard Yard. Where Commencement is a University-wide program, Class Day celebrates the graduating College Class of 2025 and includes the featured Class Day speaker invited by the Class, the Harvard Oration (a formal, reflective speech by a member of the Class) the Ivy Oration (a light-hearted, comedic speech by a member of the Class), the presentation of the Ames Awards in recognition of two members of the Class and their service to the community, and the Class Ode (two original verses to the tune of Fair Harvard written and performed by members of the Class). The event will also feature remarks from Rakesh Khurana, Danoff Dean of Harvard College and the incoming President of the Harvard Alumni Association. The program will also be streamed online at harvard.edu/live and be available for later viewing on YouTube.
There is no formal procession for this event, and seniors can sit with family and guests; there is no assigned seating. Signage around Harvard Yard and Tercentenary Theatre regarding ticket types and seating areas can be ignored on Class Day; these are for Commencement the following morning. Students will not wear academic regalia on Class Day; business casual dress is recommended for all.
Tickets required. Graduating seniors are allotted three free tickets and will require one of these tickets for themselves. Additional tickets will be available for free. Tickets are obtained by seniors at Senior Desk (see below).
More information about entry requirements (including bag policies) for Tercentenary Theatre is below.
The Old Yard will be open on Class Day, but Tercentenary Theatre will be gated, and a Class Day Exercises ticket will be required for entry. Gates will open for ticket scanning and entry at 1:00 p.m. There will be five entry locations: between Thayer and University Hall, between University Hall and Weld, two lines between Weld and Widener Library, and between Widener Library and Pusey Library.
4:00–5:30 PM
Dudley Community Reception
53 Dunster Street. Tickets not required. For seniors, families, and guests.
4:30 or 5:00–6:30 PM
Faculty Deans' Receptions
Undergraduate Houses. Tickets not required. For seniors, families, and guests. Start time varies by House. Students will receive more information about start time and specific locations from their House.
5:00–9:00 PM
Senior Letterwinners' Dinner
Bright-Landry Hockey Center. Advanced ticket purchase required. Senior student-athletes are free. For more info, visit the Harvard Varsity Club website.
Thursday, May 29
6:45 AM
Harvard Yard Gates Open
8:00–8:15 AM
Senior Valediction
Harvard Yard between Phillips Brooks House and Holden Chapel. This gathering will be directly before the procession line up for Commencement. For graduating seniors only. Graduating seniors should wear their regalia and will march into the Yard with their Houses or Community.
9:30 AM–12:15 PM
374th Harvard University Commencement Exercises
Tercentenary Theatre, Harvard Yard. Celebrating the achievements of all Harvard University graduates, this program features remarks from students, the conferring of student degrees, the presentation of honorary degrees, and an address by the Commencement Speaker.
Tickets are required. Graduating seniors are allotted up to four free tickets for guests (they will not need a ticket for themselves); additional tickets are not available. For seniors with guests in wheelchairs, ticketed may be swapped on a first-come, first serve basis at Senior Desk in May.
Indoor viewing is available via live web stream in the Science Center Plaza Tent, the Smith Campus Center, and most undergraduate Houses, and the program will also be streamed online at harvard.edu/live. A ticket will not be needed for entry to these spaces. More information can be found at https://commencement.harvard.edu/.
Academic regalia, lanyard (to be distributed at the Houses), and active HUID allow entry for graduates. Tickets will be obtained by seniors at Senior Desk (see below). More information about entry requirements (including bag policies) for Harvard Yard and Tercentenary Theatre is below.
Graduating seniors will enter Tercentenary Theatre via a formal procession from the Old Yard and will sit together by House in a section for Harvard College graduates. Families and guests will sit in different sections. Note that names of graduates are not called nor are diplomas presented at this University-wide program; rather that will occur at the Diploma Presentation and Luncheon at 12:30 at the Houses.
12:30–3:00 PM
Diploma Presentation and Luncheon
Undergraduate Houses. This event is where graduates' names will be called and diplomas will be presented. Tickets are not required to view the diploma ceremony but are required to partake in the lunch that occurs during this time. Graduating seniors should wear their regalia. Graduating seniors are allotted three free tickets for lunch and will require one of these tickets for themselves. Additional tickets can be purchased for $25. Tickets are obtained by seniors at Senior Desk (see below).
The order of the luncheon and diploma ceremony, as well as other program logistics, may vary by House or Community. Graduating students will learn more from their House or Community regarding program plans, including the specific location.
Commencement Week Entry Requirements
All Commencement Week events are held rain or shine. In the case of extreme or dangerous inclement weather, alternate plans will be communicated to the students.
All persons, bags, and personal items are subject to inspection before entering Commencement Week events. Banners, posters, backpacks, luggage, and any bag or item larger than 12" x 12" x 12" will not be permitted inside Commencement Week events, so please plan accordingly.
Strollers are not permitted inside Tercentenary Theatre (the space between Widener Library and Memorial Church) on Commencement Day. Strollers are permitted into Harvard Yard but must remain in the Old Yard within the overflow viewing area only, without exception.
Tickets to the College Class Day Exercises and Commencement Exercises allow admission into Harvard Yard but do not guarantee seats. Seats cannot be reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The sale of tickets for the Class Day Exercises and Commencement Exercises is strictly prohibited. Students who attempt to sell tickets may be referred to the Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct.
Frequently Asked Questions and More Commencement Week Information
How and when can tickets be obtained?
Tickets for the Family Reception, Class Day Picnic, Class Day Exercises, Commencement, and House Luncheon are obtained by graduating seniors only at Senior Desk.
Graduating seniors must first complete the online senior exit survey, titled “Senior Survey,” before they pick up their Commencement Week tickets at Senior Desk. Graduating seniors will receive an email containing a URL to access the survey, which opens on May 9. The survey may take up to 24 hours to process, so please wait until the next business day before picking up tickets.
Each senior must pick up their own tickets in person (no pickups for others) and will need to bring their Harvard ID with them. No tickets (allotted, free, or purchased) will be available onsite at Commencement Week events. Seniors will be able to pick up their standard ticket packet, request any additional free tickets, and purchase any additional tickets that have a cost. Credit or debit card payments are accepted.
Senior Desk is located at the Harvard Alumni Association at 124 Mount Auburn Street, 4th floor. It will be open weekdays from May 13–May 28 from 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. The first four days are for specific Houses to avoid crowding. Note that tickets will not run out.
- May 13: Adams, Lowell, and Quincy
- May 14: Cabot, Currier, Dudley, and Pforzheimer
- May 15: Dunster, Leverett, and Mather
- May 16: Eliot, Kirkland, and Winthrop
- May 19–28 (weekdays only): Students from all Houses can come to any of the remaining days.
What is the attire for Commencement Week activities?
Business casual attire is appropriate for all Commencement Week activities.
Are accommodations available?
There are a number of hotels in and around Harvard Square and the Cambridge area, including some accessible via the MBTA Red Line. Please plan to book early as hotels will quickly fill up. Unfortunately, courtesy rates at hotels are not available. Please visit the University Commencement website for more information.
At which events is regalia (cap and gown) required?
Regalia is required for the Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Literary Exercises (for PBK seniors), Baccalaureate Procession and Service, and the Class of 2025 photograph on Tuesday, May 27, and for the Commencement Exercises and the Diploma Presentation ceremonies on Thursday, May 29.
How can seniors purchase regalia?
Harvard College seniors have three different options for purchasing regalia: 1) Order online in advance to pick up at the Harvard COOP from May 19 to May 29 (the deadline is April 10), 2) order online in advance and have it shipped to your campus address or another address with an additional domestic shipping fee of $14.90 (the deadline is April 29), or 3) walk in and pick up in person at the Harvard COOP from May 19 to May 29 with no advanced registration or advanced payment needed (however, without ordering and paying in advance, expect long lines at the COOP).
The regalia fee is $57 for seniors; dual AB/AM candidates will have an additional fee for the master’s hood.
To order online for both pick-up in May and shipping: Go to the Herff Jones website, select “Order Now” in the “Bachelor Keeper Gowns” section, select “Harvard College” from the dropdown menu, select either “ship to bookstore” or “ship to home/dorm,” and then go to the “Cap & Gown” tab in the menu to find Graduation Regalia. If you do not choose to ship to the COOP for pickup in May (by the April 10 deadline) or to ship to you (by the April 29 deadline), you will still have the option to order and pick up at the same time at the COOP during the dates in May noted above.
For any questions or assistance, please contact harvardsupport@herffjones.com.
Where can I find information about accessibility for guests with disabilities?
Harvard University welcomes all guests on Commencement Day!
In Tercentenary Theatre, accommodations for individuals with disabilities may include, but are not limited to, accessible seating, wheelchair loan, Assistive Listening Devices, American Sign Language, and alternate program formats, including Braille, large font, and accessible digital files. Accommodations are available by request; see below for more information.
Guests are encouraged to arrive early (gates open at 6:45 a.m.), and there will be staff at the entry gates to Harvard Yard providing courtesy wheelchair transportation for all guests from the gate to guest seating in Tercentenary Theatre. First aid stations and wheelchair-accessible restrooms are located in Sever, Weld, and Thayer Halls in Harvard Yard. If you have questions about accommodations and the physical access provided for other commencement activities, please call the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) at 617-496-7001 or email haa_collegealumniprograms@harvard.edu. For information about accessible parking and transportation, please visit commencement.harvard.edu/ guests-disabilities.
Commencement Accessible Seating Details: The accessible seating section during the Thursday morning Commencement program in Tercentenary Theatre is located adjacent to University Hall and will be clearly marked with the International Symbol of Access (a figure in a wheelchair). Graduating seniors will be able to exchange a certain number of their general admission guest tickets for accessible seating tickets at Senior Desk in May. One companion accessible seating ticket is available to each guest in the accessible section (also as a replacement for a general admission ticket; the total number of guest tickets will still be four); however, when space is available, best efforts will be made to seat a limited number of additional guests (with general admission tickets and not accessible seating tickets) with the understanding that they may need to relocate if an accessible seating ticket holder needs the space.
For the Class Day Exercises on Wednesday, there will not be an accessible seating section due to ample seating. Additional accommodations are available by request.
For additional requests for accommodations, please email the University Disability Resources office at disabilityresources@harvard.edu or call 617-495-1859.
What if family or friends from overseas require a visa?
Family and friends visiting the U.S. will most likely need to apply for a visitor visa. If family members or friends require invitation letters for this process, students should reach out directly to their Allston Burr Resident Dean, whose contact information can be found at this page.
For general information, you can visit hio.harvard.edu/b-visa. Individuals will need to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in their home countries for specific instructions on the visa application process and processing times. This process to apply for a visitor visa may vary widely by region and country, This process could take a long time to complete. We advise that you start the application process as early as possible.
Is parking available during Commencement Week?
For the Class of 2025 Family Social, complimentary parking is available at the 52 Oxford Street Garage on a first-come, first-served basis. On Class Day and Commencement Day, complimentary parking is available on campus in Allston on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, visit the Harvard Transportation & Parking office at transportation.harvard.edu/parking.
Do children need tickets to events?
All children—except for infants under the age of one—require tickets for all events except for the Class Day Picnic. For the Class Day Picnic, a ticket is required for each bagged lunch.
How do seniors and families get a copy of the 2025 Harvard College Yearbook?
To order the Class of 2025 Harvard Yearbook, visit harvardyearbook.com/purchase. If there are any questions about the Yearbook, please email inquiries@harvardyearbook.com. The last day to place a parent ad is December 31, 2024 and the Yearbook preorder deadline is March 23, 2025.
How do seniors and families order the class photograph?
Orders can be placed online (link forthcoming). Students can also pick up an order form at the time the photograph is taken. The cost is $35 for the color photograph, $40 for the laminated photograph, and $150 framed, plus shipping and tax (where applicable). Discounted pricing is available until May 31 for orders placed online. NOTE: Pricing and deadline to be confirmed for 2025.
Where can seniors and families order graduation-related merchandise?
Celebrate your achievement in style with The COOP, where you’ll have access to personalized graduation announcements, the largest selection of Harvard Seal and Graduate diploma frames, class rings, and exclusive Class of 2025 apparel and gifts. Join us in early spring for the annual Grad Fair, where you can enjoy many special discounts. Stay connected with us in-store, online at thecoop.com and our social media channels in early 2025 for the latest on Grad Fair dates, store events, exciting new brand collaborations and merchandise designed with you in mind. We hope to do our part to make your milestone even more memorable.
The Harvard Shop provides class rings and personalized graduation announcements. For more information, visit balfour.com/harvard or call 800-225-3687. To purchase official Harvard merchandise and to support a student-run business, visit The Harvard Shop website or at their store at 1380 Massachusetts Avenue. The 65 Mount Auburn Street location will be hosting monthly class ring try-ons until Commencement. Specific dates and times will be sent to the students' college email addresses in the days leading up to the event. Balfour representatives will be on hand to help order rings and to offer free sizing services.
How can families place congratulatory advertisements in The Harvard Crimson?
The Harvard Crimson produces a special-edition print issue distributed to graduates and families at Commencement. Families can place congratulatory advertisements in the Commencement edition to honor and celebrate their graduating seniors. The special-edition issue will feature four different options for layout, including eighth, quarter, half, and full-page congratulatory advertisements with prices starting at $200. If you are interested, you can fill out this form, and if you have any questions please reach out to the Crimson’s business manager at businessmanager@thecrimson.com.
When do seniors have to vacate their rooms?
All seniors must move out of their rooms by 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 30.
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Alumni Life Information for the Class of 2025
Harvard Alumni Association
The Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) is the official association of all alumni of Harvard University including more than 420,000 alumni. The HAA maintains and enhances a highly engaged, vibrant community of alumni and friends worldwide. The purpose of the HAA is to promote the welfare of Harvard University and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between Harvard University and its alumni. All Harvard undergraduates and graduates are members of the HAA, a dues-free organization. The HAA offers a wealth of opportunities to stay connected to Harvard and its alumni community, as well as excellent alumni benefits, including social, educational, and networking events; online learning; volunteer opportunities; and travel-study trips.
The HAA Board of Directors is an advisory board that guides the fostering of alumni community building and creating University citizens of alumni and alumni volunteers. The main work of the Board of Directors focuses on developing volunteer leadership, increasing and deepening alumni engagement through an array of programs that support alumni communities worldwide.
College Alumni Programs Office
The College Alumni Programs office of the HAA serves more than 100,000 Harvard and Radcliffe College alumni. The office oversees and develops programming to preserve and maintain Harvard traditions and to create new opportunities to connect members of the Harvard community with one another and with the University. Visit alumni.harvard.edu/college for details.
Harvard College Fund
For nearly 100 years, the Harvard College Fund (HCF) has supported so many things you love about Harvard: House life, Classroom to Table, financial aid, career services, and more. The HCF, working together with volunteers in the Harvard Alumni Association, provides one of the most meaningful and influential opportunities for you to stay connected to Harvard. More than 30,000 students, alumni, parents, and friends contribute to the HCF each year, but did you know there are multiple ways to give back by getting involved? Build an engaged and supportive recent graduate community by joining the Recent Graduate Leadership Committee; rally your classmates and serve as a class reunion volunteer; make connections by attending HCF regional events in your area. To learn more about how you can get involved, contact us at hcf_inquiry@harvard.edu!
Class of 2025 and Class Volunteer Opportunities
Class of 2025, your class is the heart of your alumni activity. After graduation, your class will have a Reunion every five years. Between Reunion years, your Class or others may sponsor social events in Cambridge, around the world, and online. We encourage you to participate and take advantage of these resources. Remember to visit the class website at harvard2025.com for updated information specific to your Class.
The 2025 Class Committee will continue to guide and support your Class in alumni life. You can support their efforts by volunteering to be an activities chair! Activities chairs are College alumni volunteers who support their Class Committees and bring classmates and alumni from surrounding classes together in their post-grad cities and regions, serving as key players in keeping College alumni connected to each other. In a Reunion year (every five years), you can volunteer on your Reunion Program and Gift Committees.
Reunions and Class Reports
You will have a reunion every five years (currently 5th-70th Reunions). Your reunion year provides opportunities to attend virtual and in-person programming, including programming on the Harvard campus the week after Commencement, to make a gift to the Harvard College Fund as part of a class-wide fundraising campaign, and to submit your Class Report entry. Every five years, the Class Report, or “Red Book,” is assembled from classmates’ submissions. This is an enduring Harvard tradition that began in the mid-1800s and an opportunity to update and share your story in your own voice with your Class and to reflect on life since graduation. Everyone in the Class gets a copy of the Report regardless of if they submitted an entry or not.
All are encouraged and welcome to join the Reunion Committee! Reunion Committees (and your reunion year programming) are strongest when new voices from a variety of backgrounds participate. Serving on your 5th Reunion Committee doesn’t mean that you’re required to volunteer every reunion after this, and if you aren’t able to volunteer one year, you are always welcome to volunteer at a future reunion. The Reunion Program Committee is supported by the HAA and oversees all aspects of reunion programming, including on-campus events, regional events, virtual events, a merch store, a class survey, communications, and more. The Reunion Gift Committee is supported by the HCF. Committee members set an example of giving and service and ask their classmates to join them with a gift to the Harvard College Fund in honor of the 5th Reunion. Both committees work closely with each other, and you can volunteer for one or both!
Harvard Alumni Community
Log in to the HAA Alumni Directory with your HarvardKey and update your profile to connect with fellow alumni. Your HarvardKey does not change after you graduate. Through community.alumni.harvard.edu/person, you can update your address and other biographical information and connect with alumni from across the College and University. It is important to keep your information current to receive news, events, programs, and special announcements specific to where you live.
If you requested a FERPA block through the Registrar’s Office, your experience in the Alumni Community and the HAA Alumni Directory will be different than your peers. Please review the information on this page to learn more.
Alumni Programs & Events
Learning opportunities at Harvard don’t end just because you have a degree. We invite you to take part in a variety of learning and social experiences designed to keep alumni connected with the intellectual life of the University—and to one another. These include career networking opportunities, tours at Harvard’s world-renowned museums, conversations with University leaders and administrators, and faculty lectures on everything from health care to space exploration to public service. Programs led by the HAA are in addition to the thousands of programs led by our extensive Club and Shared Interest Group networks. Alumni events are held online, on campus, and all over the world. For information on current programs, visit alumni.harvard.edu/programs-events.
There are a number of events just for recent graduates, including Welcome to Your City in your local area, the Harvard-Yale Recent Grad Tailgate or Fall Fest Tailgate on the Harvard campus, and Real World for Recent Grads, a virtual event series featuring fellow recent grads discussing careers, finance, life, and everything in between. You can also continue to attend the Global Networking Night events and we invite you to participate in Harvard Moves in your local area, where you can come together with your global alumni community to celebrate movement and support students.
Harvard Alumni Day
All Harvard alumni are invited to join the Harvard Alumni Association for the annual Harvard Alumni Day celebration! Each spring, thousands gather in Cambridge on Alumni Day to celebrate the collective influence of our alumni and the strength of their interconnected communities. It’s a day full of joy, nostalgia, and connection, fostering the rekindling of old friendships and the formation of new ones. It features the traditional Alumni Parade, a festive speaking program with special alumni guests, engaging symposia sessions and meetups, a vibrant Yard party featuring food and beverages from local favorites, and more. It is an unforgettable celebration of alumni communities everywhere—and for those unable to make it to campus, virtual celebrations and local events worldwide ensure everyone can join in the festivities. Graduating students and recent graduates are welcome to attend this annual gathering, which will also be part of your Reunions every five years.
Harvard Clubs
Stretching from South Africa to Norway, Argentina to Japan, and in every state in the United States, there are nearly 200 Harvard Clubs and regional alumni communities eager to welcome recent graduates. Harvard Clubs provide great opportunities to meet new friends, expand your Harvard network across years and Schools, and stay connected to the University. Clubs often create recent grad events amongst broad slates of alumni offerings including social, cultural, and community service activities. Many clubs are dues-free, and many more offer free or reduced dues for recent graduates. Please note that the Harvard Clubs of Boston and New York City have unique membership processes.
For a full list of Harvard Clubs and regional alumni communities, including contact information, visit alumni.harvard.edu/clubs-directory.
Harvard Alumni Association Shared Interest Groups
Are you interested in connecting with fellow recent graduates and other Harvard alumni around a shared identity, avocation, or professional interest? Would you like to find other alumni who share your interests or cultural pursuits? Are you looking to build community? HAA Shared Interest Groups connect thousands of alumni around the world to one another and to the University through a wide range of programs, events, communications, and service projects. Examples include First Generation Harvard Alumni, Harvard Alumni in Tech, Harvard Black Alumni Society, and Harvard Alumni for Global Women’s Empowerment.
For a full list of HAA Shared Interest Groups, including contact information, visit alumni.harvard.edu/sigs-directory.
Elections for Overseers and Directors
Each spring, Harvard alumni can vote in the annual elections for members of the University’s Board of Overseers and the Harvard Alumni Association Elected Directors. Class of 2025 graduates will be eligible to vote beginning spring 2026. The Board of Overseers is one of Harvard’s two governing boards, along with the President and Fellows, also known as the Corporation. The HAA Board of Directors, under the leadership of the Executive Committee and executive director, empowers volunteers to strengthen the Harvard alumni community.
Alumni Travel
Travel with Harvard Alumni Travels to learn about and explore destinations across every continent. With options for all experience and activity levels, travel in the company of Harvard faculty, expert local guides, and fellow alumni from across the University. Look out for Spring Break Adventures for students and alumni with lower rates for students and recent College graduates. For more information, visit alumni.harvard.edu/travel.
Career Resources
As a recent graduate of Harvard College, you continue to have access to the Mignone Center for Career Success, including Crimson Careers and Firsthand Advisors. We also encourage you to use these platforms to post opportunities for and mentor students in the future. Visit https://careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/resources/connect-with-students/.
The HAA also has a collection of career-related resources, including webinars led by alumni. To learn more, please visit alumni.harvard.edu/community/careers-networking.
Email Forwarding
Email forwarding is available to all College alumni. You can set up your email forwarding address through your Alumni Directory profile shortly after graduation. You will also receive an email from the HAA in June with instructions on setting up your address. An email forwarding address (e.g., name@alumni.harvard.edu) will automatically forward mail to your designated email inbox of choice. An email forwarding address is an alias, not an email account, and does not have an email inbox. For more information on email forwarding, please visit the FAQ page. Email forwarding addresses are separate from other Harvard email addresses, such as student addresses. Creating a forwarding email address will not allow alumni to continue receiving mail through student email accounts after they have expired. For more information about student email accounts, please visit huit.harvard.edu/faq/fas-account-expiration.
Email Newsletters
Stay informed on news and events across Harvard through the various alumni newsletters. Read Harvard Alumni News for a snapshot of the latest University-wide updates or take a peek at what the College and fellow alumni are up to in College Alumni News. If you’re looking to further connect with the University community or local alumni, get a glimpse of the different events and programs being held by alumni for alumni in Harvard this Week.
HAA and Harvard College Alumni Social Media
Follow the Harvard Alumni Association on social media! We’re sharing alumni stories, live event coverage, and updates on the latest happenings on campus so you can always stay connected to all things Harvard! Nostalgic for your favorite corners of campus? We’ll share photos and videos from across the University all year. Want to hear about the latest research and breakthroughs? Stay up to date with news shared from across University publications. Find the Harvard Alumni Association @harvardalumni on Threads, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Don’t forget to tag us @harvardalumni and use #harvardnetwork in your post to show us what you’re up to! You can also follow Harvard College Alumni on Facebook and Instagram.
Harvard Gazette
The Harvard Gazette is the official news website for Harvard University. It covers important campus community updates; University announcements; innovations in research across science, medicine, politics, global affairs, and more; and it is also a hub for stories from University affiliates. We encourage you to sign up using your preferred permanent email address to receive emails from the Harvard Gazette with the latest news. You can dive in further by visiting news.harvard.edu/gazette.
Harvard Magazine
Harvard Magazine is your connection after graduation, online and six issues a year. You can submit a personal update via harvardmagazine.com/classnotes/submit to see your news published in the Class Notes section of the magazine. To receive the July–August 2025 issue of Harvard Magazine, which will include coverage of your Commencement, please be sure your address is up to date by visiting community.alumni.harvard.edu/person. Class of 2025 members' first issue is available the last week of June. For more information about Harvard Magazine, visit harvardmagazine.com.
Admissions Interviewing
Help Harvard College recruit prospective students, interview applicants, and welcome accepted students by volunteering for the Schools & Scholarships Committee, the alumni interviewing program! Interviewing is an important part of the application process and helps bring the applicant to life. Each alumni interviewer meets with a handful of prospective students between September and March. Alumni may interview in the city or geographic region in which they live or virtually for their hometowns. Learn more and sign up to volunteer.
Harvard Library
Harvard University alumni are welcome to visit Harvard's libraries. All Harvard alumni can apply for a Library Borrowing Card, which comes with on-site access, at no charge. As a student you probably used HOLLIS to access most library resources. As an alum, you will use the special links on How to Use Harvard Library as an Alum to access licensed resources like paywalled articles and ebooks. Alums use HOLLIS primarily to borrow books and find Open Access materials. You can learn more information on the detailed guide, Using Libraries as a Harvard Alum.
For additional questions, please contact the HAA College Alumni Programs Office at haa_collegealumniprograms@harvard.edu or 617-496-7001 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday.