Calling all Harvard alumni in London, United Kingdom!
Harvard alumni are coming together both online and in cities around the world for a night of connection and community. Register now to reconnect with friends and classmates and expand your Harvard network. Connect your social media accounts to the guest list to more easily connect with other attendees before, during, and after the event.
Important: This event requires payment to attend (£5 for Recent Graduates; £8 for all other Harvard alumni and guests). Please click here to complete your registration. Be sure to use the same name for this registration site and for HCUK's payment site. Your registration is not complete until payment is received.
Shared Interest Group (SIG) Partners:
Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women, Ann Juliano AMP '13 and Kim Thomas AM '05, GSA '96 and
Harvardwood, Elizabeth Filippouli
Harvard Alumni for Education, Yu Hao EDM '21
Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance, Stefan Serban HMSEE '15