If you are looking to connect with your classmates on a regular basis, using email communications is an easy way to reach a targeted group of people. You may think about initiating regular email newsletters to send to your classmates, which can strengthen the sense of community and connection among your Class. Here are some guidelines to help you kickstart your own email newsletter:

Step 1: Recruit volunteer(s) to send out communications

If your alumni group does not already have a communications volunteer, we suggest selecting one or two volunteers to oversee all of your group’s email communications. For example, with College classes, the class Secretary generally takes the lead on managing communications, whether sending it through their own tool or working with us.

In general, communications volunteers should be responsible for gathering email content and sending out communications through an email platform of the group’s liking.

Step 2: Develop a communications strategy

The communication strategy should be guided by your group’s goals. For example, if your group hosts multiple events each month, then an email newsletter is a great tool to share information about upcoming events in addition to alumni and University updates.

Step 3: Determine email newsletter frequency and primary focus

The frequency and timing of the email newsletter should align with event marketing needs whenever possible. If your group does not host events frequently then the newsletter should be used as a tool to keep your community engaged between events. We recommend sending monthly or bimonthly community emails that are both informative and entertaining. Here are some content ideas:

  • Write a featured spotlight on an alumnus/a who is affiliated with your Class.
  • Share links to previously recorded webinars produced by Harvard or information on upcoming events.
  • Share lighthearted news about your members (i.e., career updates, life milestones, etc.).
  • Promote your group’s social media pages.
  • Share stories from the Harvard Gazette.

If you are looking for further email communication tips, we have also put together a comprehensive email guide for you.