Karim Lakhani in front of an AI background
October 2, 2023
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET
Virtual Event
Attendance Policy
Open to alumni, Registration required
Real time captioning available
Harvard Alumni Education | haa_alumnieducation@harvard.edu | 617-495-1920
This Is a Past Event

Join the alumni YouTube livestream as Karim R. Lakhani, Dorothy and Michael Hintze Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming how organizations operate and how humans think. This talk will explore three key ways in which AI is impacting organizations and human cognition. First, AI is emerging as a central platform for organizing enterprises in the 21st century. Second, AI enables unprecedented opportunities for learning at the individual and organizational level through its ability to analyze massive datasets, identify patterns, and improve continuously through experience. Finally, while AI may not replace humans, humans augmented with AI likely will replace humans without AI for many roles - though not in all cases.

In summary, this talk will explore how AI is positioned to radically change the way organizations operate at scale, extend human problem solving and learning, and transform the collaboration of people with increasingly powerful advanced technologies. The implications are enormous and will drive tremendous innovation in the years ahead.


This program is coordinated through the Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning (VPAL) and will be livestreamed to the alumni community in collaboration with the Harvard Alumni Association.


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Harvard University Alumni Affairs & Development (AA&D) programs and volunteer opportunities respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others. Those taking part in AA&D activities, are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility in those activities, and are accountable for their conduct there with University alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees. Harvard University Alumni Affairs & Development reserves the right to suspend services to and to exclude from participation in AA&D programs any person whose inappropriate behavior adversely affects the safety, well-being, and inclusion of community members.

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Please complete this registration form to confirm your attendance. You will be emailed the Zoom link before the event. This event is only open to members of the Harvard/Radcliffe community. Questions? Contact the Harvard Alumni Association at haa_alumnieducation@harvard.edu or 617-495-1920.

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Harvard University Alumni Affairs & Development (AA&D) programs and volunteer opportunities respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others. Those taking part in AA&D activities, are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility in those activities, and are accountable for their conduct there with University alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees. Harvard University Alumni Affairs & Development reserves the right to suspend services to and to exclude from participation in AA&D programs any person whose inappropriate behavior adversely affects the safety, well-being, and inclusion of community members.