Daniel Donoghue, the John P. Marquand Professor of English, joined Harvard’s faculty in 1986 after receiving a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies from Yale University. He recently was awarded a distinguished teaching prize by Harvard’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, and an “Excellence in Teaching Award” by the Harvard Extension school. Most of his published work concerns medieval literature, such as his student’s edition of Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf (Norton Critical Editions, revised 2018) and Old English Literature: A Short Introduction (Blackwell 2004). His intellectual and teaching interests include the literature of medieval Britain, and extend to many cultural topics from the Middle Ages and beyond. For example, his 2003 book Lady Godiva: A Literary History of the Legend traces the genesis and reception of the famous story that has become attached to Godiva’s name. He has recently been named editor of a Harvard University Press series that will publish facing-page translations of many medieval classics.
Daniel enjoys travelling with his wife Ann Cawley Donoghue and (when schedules allow it) with their children Nathaniel (Harvard 2010), Kevin (Harvard 2011), and Hannah (Harvard 2014). He occasionally swings a tennis racket and enjoys outdoor activities like bicycling and backpacking.