Headshot of Joshua Greene beside two hands with block letters spelling out "give"
February 15, 2024
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET
Virtual Event
Attendance Policy
Open to alumni, Registration required
Real time captioning available
Harvard Alumni Education | haa_alumnieducation@harvard.edu | 617-495-1920
This Is a Past Event

Join the alumni YouTube livestream to hear Joshua Greene talk about the research behind two projects, Giving Multiplier and The Cooperation Game. The two projects address different challenges but employ the same underlying strategy: To elevate social behavior, create an emotionally appealing upward pathway that begins with an attractive offer, not a lecture.

This program is coordinated through the Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning (VPAL) and will be livestreamed to the alumni community in collaboration with the Harvard Alumni Association.


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Please complete this registration form to confirm your attendance. You will be emailed the Zoom link before the event. This event is only open to members of the Harvard and Radcliffe alumni communities. Questions? Contact the Harvard Alumni Association at haa_alumnieducation@harvard.edu or 617-495-1920.

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