Hopi Hoeksta headshot
December 4, 2024
5:00-6:00 p.m. ET
Virtual Event
Attendance Policy
Open to alumni, Registration required
Real time captioning available
Harvard Alumni Education | haa_alumnieducation@harvard.edu | 617-495-1920
This Is a Past Event

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is the historic heart of Harvard University and a community unparalleled in its academic excellence across the broadest range of liberal arts and science disciplines. It includes Harvard College, the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Division of Continuing Education, and more than 40 academic departments. Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Hopi Hoekstra is also the C. Y. Chan Professor of Arts and Sciences, and the Xiaomeng Tong and Yu Chen Professor of Life Sciences. Her research focuses on evolutionary genetics, with emphasis on the traits that enable mammals to adapt to changing natural environments.

In this conversation, Dean Hoekstra will share some reflections on her first year as Dean and some of the opportunities she sees ahead for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

This program is open to Harvard and Radcliffe College reunioning alumni, including members of the Crimson Society.  

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Please complete this registration form to confirm your attendance. You will be emailed the Zoom link before the event. This event is only open to members of the Harvard and Radcliffe alumni communities. Questions? Contact the Harvard Alumni Association at haa_alumnieducation@harvard.edu or 617-495-1920.

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