5th Reunion

Class of 2020

Our 5th Reunion is June 6-8! You’ll find our tentative schedule below. If you have any questions about the schedule or registration, feel free to email our class inbox at 5threunion_haa@harvard.edu! We can't wait to see you! 

View Reunion Schedule

Reunion Packages Price Breakdown

All adult reunion attendees, which includes alumni and guests, have the choice between the full reunion package (all events and meals) and à la carte. You may view the price breakdowns below. Please be aware that early bird pricing will end on April 22 at 11:59pm (ET) and standard pricing will end on May 15 at 11:59pm (ET).

Class of 2020 5th Reunion adult pricing sheet. Please note, the registration fee is required with the full package and a la carte options. One registration fee per classmate.  
2020 5th Reunion Adult Pricing (per adult)Early BirdStandardOnsite Registration
Registration Fee (per classmate)$80.00$80.00$80.00
Full Reunion Package (all events included)$335.00$435.00$535.00
A La Carte Package Options (for those not purchasing the full reunion package)   
     Friday Day$30.00$50.00$70.00
     Friday Evening$100.00$120.00$140.00
     Saturday Day$55.00$75.00$95.00
     Saturday Evening$115.00$135.00$155.00


Thursday, June 5

4:00 - 11:00pm

Check-in at Headquarters

Friday, June 6

8:00am - 11:00pm

Check-in at Headquarters

10:30am - 1:00pm

Harvard Alumni Day Parade & Program


Harvard Alumni Day Yard Party


Harvard Alumni Day Afternoon Programming


Solo Travelers & Singles Gathering


Yardfest: Dinner and Dance Party with the 10th Reunion 

Saturday, June 7

8:00am - 11:00pm

Check-in at Headquarters


Memorial Service


Class Photo


Class Programming


Field Day Class Luncheon


Class Programming


Class Dinner and Party

Sunday, June 8

8:00am - 12:30pm

Housing Check-out

10:00am - 12:00pm

Farewell Brunch

**Exact times and locations forthcoming