Saturday, June 7
8:00am - 11:00pm
Check-in at Headquarters
Please come to headquarters to check in when you arrive on campus. You will receive your name badge, Reunion materials, and your House/dorm room key and assignment, if you are staying on campus.
10:00am - 11:00am
HX Talks
Inspired by our favorite 7-minute things that matter, join your classmates for bite-sized presentations on their passions. From the future of women in F1 to a crash course in modern music theory, you’re sure to walk away even more impressed by your fellow 2010ers. Event is drop in. Full programming to be announced at a future date.
Field Day Class Luncheon
Come join your classmates for a BBQ lunch with an open beer and wine bar and yard games. After you eat, head into Harvard Yard for more games and activities with the other Reunion classes. Suggested dress code is casual. See you there, rain or shine!
Double Trouble Choose your Event!
Scavenger Hunt
We’ve partnered up with several businesses in the Square to offer bonus challenges for the Scavenger Hunt that will be going all weekend. More details to come, but there will be an amazing prize for the classmate who is able to complete the most scavenger quests.
Perfect 10s Wine Tasting
Join your classmates for a sip and social event, featuring a number of fine wines curated around the 2010 vintage (and, for some of the whites, our lucky number 10!). Don’t worry, this isn’t a lecture and there won’t be a quiz—just a chance to enjoy some delicious vino and the company of your colleagues.
Additional $60 per person; limited capacity; advance registration required.
Class Photo
Bonus points if you can recreate your original pose and location from Camp Harvard 2006!
Studio 2010: Class Cocktail Party
The marquee event of the weekend, this soiree will be the grown-up (but not too grown up) version of every basement party and HoCo formal you ever memorialized in a Sunday morning Facebook photo dump. Expect chic lounge vibes, disco balls, LEDs, face paint, and delicious cocktails along with a DJ dedicated to reviving the soundtrack of early 2000s.
Suggested dress code Modern Disco Chic. Attire inspiration to come.