Bequest Member Profile

Thank you for informing us of your desire to support Harvard through your estate plans. We would like to acknowledge your thoughtful generosity by including you on the John Harvard Society website roster along with other classmates, alumni, and friends as:


Note: While many of our alumni have multiple degrees from Harvard, it is our practice to list degrees from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences only.

I/we wish to:

For information purposes only, we invite you to tell us more about the estate provision you have made for Harvard. All information will be held in confidence.

I/we have included:
in my/our
Please specify how Harvard is in your will.
Please specify how Harvard is in your living trust.
Please specify how Harvard is in your IRA or retirement plan.
Please specify how Harvard is in your charitable trust.
Please specify how Harvard is in your life insurance policy.
My/our gift is:
My spouse has made: